Links to the Present, “Daniel LaRusso’s going to fight!” (maybe) edition

2013-10-30 Off By Nate Smith

The twittersphere is abuzz with the possibility that Andrew Bynum will maybe, probably, could, but maybe not play tonight. Here’s some kvetching examples from the Jason Lloyd Twitter page.

Jason Lloyd twitter

And this just in, it appears to be a “game time decision.” So we officially know nothing more than we did this morning.

In other news, while you’re refreshing your twitter feed, why don’t you wander over to, a new NBA-centric endeavor by CtBers, Kevin Hetrick, Nate Smith, Tom Pestak, and long time comment section contributor, Randall Cooper. All that APM (adjusted plus minus) jive that Kevin has been dishing out lately? Well, he explains it here.  Randall follows up with an explanation of APM’s diabolical predictive powers versus PER and WS/48.

Kevin will also be livetweeting the game tonight for ESPN’s Daily dime: @dimeupdate, @dimealert, and @dimesmash.

Feel free to leave your in game comments below, and Go Cavs!
