Drawings from the Notebook of Chris Grant (episode bookmark):
2011-08-07New DFTNOCG coming soon (as in hopefully later today)!
In the meantime though, here’s something to tide you over.
A free Chris Grant bookmark!
You just print it out, cut along the border, then…voila.
You have the Cavs’ GM on a bookmark.
Literally available nowhere else.
Probably for a reason.
-Ryan “CFAAP” Braun
I’d like to inquire about purchasing a text link that says something like “Xenon Project” or “Xenon Project – RC Helicopters” on cavstheblog.com somewhere on your homepage for our site http://www.xenonproject.com. We sell Remote Control Toys (RC Toys) and I thought we might be a good fit for your readers/visitors. Our budget is around $40/yr. Is this something you’d be open to?
pretty sure you’re only supposed to hyphenate a word between syllables. so it should be “note-book”, not “notebo-ok”.
just sayin.