Links To The Present: February 12th, 2010

2010-02-12 Off By John Krolik

Trade deadline+Twitter+New job=tired Krolik. Here are some links for you guys to keep you sated over the weekend:

Via Windhorst, the Cavs are very serious about getting Amare Stoudemire. He looks like the only guy the Cavs are willing to give up Hickson for. However, other reports say that the Suns are only interested in moving Amare if it makes them better this season, which JJ would probably not do.

-On NBC, I talked about how the Cavs have gotten some very good scheduling breaks during their 13-game win streak. The team isn’t invincible, but it’s darn good.

-Hoopdata with an amazing find on LeBron’s passing during the current stretch of games.

Alright, that should be more than enough with the Amare rumor. Have a fun All-Star Weekend, campers.
